When the pieces don’t fit anymore


Maybe it's not always about trying to fix something broken. Maybe it's about starting over and creating something better. Kushandwizdom.tumblr.com I don't know about you but after a depressive episode or manic episode that turned psychotic, I do believe that one wants the fragments of what occurred during that episode to piece itself together like … Continue reading When the pieces don’t fit anymore

Why saying I love you is hard?

As I try to change neural pathways in my bipolar brain, I am stuck at the sheer wrenching of I love you from my lips. Maybe because my mind knows love is not enough to save what needed falling apart. Took my body and soul to a place to heal from this crushing fall. My … Continue reading Why saying I love you is hard?

Because sometimes you can’t have your birthday cake and eat it…

A new year and now the blues settle around me because of my upcoming birthday that is a few days away. In the midst of a full throttle depressive episode, I lack the excitement, joy and celebratory spirit that comes with my birthday. My birthday has always been the highlight of my social summer calendar … Continue reading Because sometimes you can’t have your birthday cake and eat it…